I was at the lake today and saw a guy really far out in the water
swimming laps
I came up with a set up for a situation like this
(entertainment purposes only)
#1 get a radio controlled motor boat
#2 get a corn dog and tie it to the front
(the corn dog can be substituted for other foodstuffs,
like a slice of pizza, a burrito or some delicious nachos)
#3 find someone in a lake swimming
#4 get that contraption into the water and out to your
swimming victim
#5 once the boat is in close proximity to your target,
engage a circle pattern around the swimmer..
make sure to keep the boat just out of reach
#6 sit back, relax, and laugh
#7 mission accomplished
pat yourself on the back
(I drew a harbor seal to substitute for a person,
I don't condone the teasing of sea life..
harbor seals are just really easy to draw compared to humans)
you might attract more swimmers if you floated a frosty pbr. im imagining it on a paddle-wheel type vessel...
definitely!! frosty PBRs!!! it'll be a magnet out there for the swimmers
I could attach a fishing line to a PBR and reel them in
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