(early in the morning=2pm)
Sunday, February 27, 2011
live paint at Studio 7
Friday, February 25, 2011
Thursday, February 24, 2011
hope on the slopes
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Monday, February 21, 2011
Autumn's starheadboy paintings
Autumn is one of the kids that I painted with this weekend
I set my painting stuff up outside the Blending Room
for WineGirl Wines during the day to get some work done
Mantisart and I were having a little art making session
out in the gorgeous sunshine. good times!
painting and drawing with a really good friend
these two kids, Daniel and Autumn
came by with their razor scooters
and asked if I would paint them
I drew a picture of them instead (super quick drawing)
they took off and went on some adventures down the street
they came back later and wanted to paint
it was super fun painting with them
they painted me some pics and I painted them some stuff
Autumn ended up painting some of my characters
I'm always super stoked when people do that
so, I had to get pics and put them up
good times!
painting and drawing with kids is the best
I have a feeling I'm going to be teaching
some kids art classes again real soon
live paint at TRAX
a caravan of us headed to Lake Chelan this weekend
to paint at the Blending Room by WineGirl Wines
for the TRAX Festival

I had a blast painting with these kids before the event
out in front of the Blending Room
I painted them some pics and they painted me stuff too.
they left there razor scooters behind in the grass.
TNGLR and I rode the shit out of those scooters the next day.

Sara, Andrew, TNGLR, and I met a mallard duck
named Frank during a walk Saturday morning
Frank loves to fly, but he can't land for shit.
we watched him slam more than once
trying his best to get back on the ground smoothly
failed attempts
he also has a sweet man-cave at the bottom of the lake
and does everything he can to get away from his wife
and his multiple girlfriends
his wife was floating around on the lake squawking super loud
trying to get some attention from Frank
Frank's favorite joke
a duck walks into a pharmacy, walks up to a clerk and says
"give me some chapstick, put it on my bill"

*IFO activity on the drive up
(Identified Flying Objects)
*TNGLR and Mantisart epic Karaoke session at My Buddy's Place bar
*all around adventures with some incredible people, good times!

the artists:
Hera Won
Sara Denby
Sharon Wilfong
good times!
thank you Jon and Angela for everything!
what an amazing weekend
The Blending Room by WineGirl Wines is at
222 E Wapato Way
Manson, Washington
to paint at the Blending Room by WineGirl Wines
for the TRAX Festival
I had a blast painting with these kids before the event
out in front of the Blending Room
I painted them some pics and they painted me stuff too.
they left there razor scooters behind in the grass.
TNGLR and I rode the shit out of those scooters the next day.
Sara, Andrew, TNGLR, and I met a mallard duck
named Frank during a walk Saturday morning
Frank loves to fly, but he can't land for shit.
we watched him slam more than once
trying his best to get back on the ground smoothly
failed attempts
he also has a sweet man-cave at the bottom of the lake
and does everything he can to get away from his wife
and his multiple girlfriends
his wife was floating around on the lake squawking super loud
trying to get some attention from Frank
Frank's favorite joke
a duck walks into a pharmacy, walks up to a clerk and says
"give me some chapstick, put it on my bill"
*IFO activity on the drive up
(Identified Flying Objects)
*TNGLR and Mantisart epic Karaoke session at My Buddy's Place bar
*all around adventures with some incredible people, good times!
the artists:
Hera Won
Sara Denby
Sharon Wilfong
good times!
thank you Jon and Angela for everything!
what an amazing weekend
The Blending Room by WineGirl Wines is at
222 E Wapato Way
Manson, Washington
Sunday, February 20, 2011
this weekend..
right before a live paint event in Lake Chelan
I was drawing and painting with these two kids
Daniel and Autumn (they were awesome)
Daniel wanted me to draw something for him that was "scary".
something with blood or a skull in it.
he kept telling me that I draw from my emotions....
I told him that I was happy and in a great mood,
how would I be able to draw something "scary"?
I offered to run out into the street, fall down and get hurt..
then, I'd be sad and angry..
in more of the mindset to draw "scary" things.
we both kind of agreed that my good mood
was more important than making "scary" drawings.
Friday, February 18, 2011
the break up of routine.. constantly

I do these little anti-alcohol benders
..the last one just went down in flames...
I need my vices and my "change up" in routine
I've been this way my whole life, I hope with recognizing it
I can find a way to embrace how I am and quit punishing myself

I am not built for routine.. in months, weeks
down to days. I can't live in the same head all the time
I need things to break up all these overwhelming thoughts and ideas
I can't take it
I have my things
*too much coffee every day
*cut out sugar and any extras in the coffee
*take a nap
*too much alcohol
*quit for awhile
*go back to tasty sugar and stuff in coffee
*start over
*feel good
*mix it all up.. constantly
*over think
they aren't that big of a deal..
not very dangerous things to have as habits
I need things to take me out of my mind
my thoughts drive me crazy sometimes
especially... the hard to turn "off" switch part of it
how can a person live inside their own head?
every single day

there is no definition of sane..
there isn't a static case that we can all compare ourselves to
everyone is living in levels of what we think is sanity
no one knows really what this life is..
no one really has a clue of what is going on.
we could all be living in someone's dream right now
no one knows
(whoops, this just got real abstact... fuck it, it's the truth)

I know I go crazy
I know I need a break up of my routine to deal with life
I'm human.. we all are
I'm not perfect.. and I don't want to be
sometimes I let things go in a beautiful way..
it would be so great to maintain that and have an even keel
I know that's not possible
I know all of this is part of the experience of living
I just need to accept certain things that I need
especially when I get down on myself for needing them
I'm going to work on accepting my level of crazy..
just a little bit more
more embracing, less rejecting
because most the time, I'm having a fucking blast
hopefully, this doesn't just sound like some insane rant
(maybe it is.. who cares? fuck it)
(if it comes off as an insane rant to you... just ignore)
(I don't feel like getting locked up in an asylum)
(I used up all the parenthesis on the internet, deal with it)
(ha, you love it)
it's all just digital words in cyberspace
it can mean as much or as little as anyone wants it to mean
Harried and Hungry show
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
my new collection
sometimes a collection can start just by getting a random gift..
a person may get a miniature porcelain elephant or something similar
someone else will see it at their house and get them another one
more and more miniature elephants show up..
the "collector" may not even like elephants..
once it gets rolling it's too late
BAM!! all of a sudden there's a collection of them
collecting can be a very enjoyable pastime.
a fun and healthy hobby...
if it doesn't get out of hand
my collection started yesterday..
a buddy of mine bought me three pieces of pizza
(two plain cheese slices and a hawaiian slice)
mmmmmmmmmm.. pizza!
I consider that a solid foundation for my new collection
I collect pizza, pure and simple
someone needs to collect pizza, why shouldn't it be me?
if anyone want to help me realize my vision
all you have to do is get me a nice of pizza when I see you next
I don't discriminate
I need all types of pizza for the good of the collection
I really feel that this is going to tremendously enrich my life
I appreciate any help in building this dream
thank you in advance
this is my calling, this is why I am here
I am going to take great pride in this collection
I am going to put everything I have into this every day
good times!
Sunday, February 13, 2011
mutual respect

tonight, I walked up to my local 7-11 to get some beer..
I got a small bag of doritos too.
on my way home, a cat jumped out of the bushes
it started walking down the road parallel to me.
walking with me
those four legs going a million miles an hour
I stopped, got down low.. put a hand out
called out to this little, furry cutie-pie
it wasn't interested
I started walking again
the cat started walking again
I was talking to it while I was walking down the street
"you could have gotten some free pets right there"
the cat was not interested
then I realized... this cat didn't want to be pet
it just wanted to walk with me
we came to a mutual understanding
we can be friends without any of this petting business
it's kind of like how some people like to hug
and some people don't
that cat walked with me for three blocks
it just wanted to hang out
it didn't need any additional affection or attention
walking around with that cat was fun
cat (I don't know your name)
next time I see you
Saturday, February 12, 2011
healthy diet?

yesterday, I didn't eat any solid food until 11pm
I wasn't trying to do that... it just happened
I spent hours walking around my neighborhood and downtown
drinking beautiful black coffee, it kept me going all day.
I felt great!
I have been getting into this weird mode
of only eating one meal a day
I'm not sure why, I like foods and foodstuffs a lot
this was the longest marathon so far
it's not really out of the ordinary for some people
but, it's brand new to me
food and foodstuffs, I still love you
please don't feel like I'm neglecting you
I will eat lots more meals in the future
I promise
Thursday, February 10, 2011
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