I was trying to apply for the Seattle Storefronts call tonight
(3-month residency in a vacant Seattle store front)
I've been working on some descriptions of what I do
and what I'd do with the space...
I boiled it down to using it as a studio
and using it as a meeting place to have "draw nights"
documenting everything in photos on a it's own blog..
inviting all of the Seattle artist community to be involved..
drawing it up, making connections, and having fun!
then I found a bunch of questions and more stuff that
I'd have to describe at the bottom of the application
I draw and paint on stuff
I make up comics and stories
...but as far as how structured this application process always is..
I really realized tonight.. my brain is way too abstract to do this
so.. application process FAIL
looking at all those questions.. it drives me to drink
fuck it!
in the future, I'll get an assistant to write this shit
I can't do it and I don't want to do it
at this point as my life as an artist
zero grants
zero projects like this
I've made my way solely by selling work
this is most likely the way it's always going to go down
because this application process hurts my soul
I can't take it
(it's my own fault.. because I like it that way)