Tuesday, July 17, 2012

moving to tumblr

looks like blogger won't even let me upload the smallest of photos. 
I'm a visual artist and I need pictures to go with my words...

I'm moving everything to Tumblr. good times!

starheadboy on Tumblr

Saturday, June 30, 2012


I received this message from blogger today, so the little blog post that I was going to put up is over at starheadboy on tumblr

Friday, June 29, 2012

20 years ago today

June 29th 1992. congress enacted a bill to put a stop to the cutting off of burrito unicorns feet, dyeing them a color, and attaching them to a keychain.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

a little paint session at Cal Anderson park

(mustard packet and cigarette butt courtesy of Cal Anderson park)

Monday, June 25, 2012

mini live paint to Wes Sp8 at Golden Gardens

these little paintings were worked on during a filming/interview with Wes Sp8 in the tunnel at Golden Gardens today. good times!

implement the privacy tent

it's not easy or fun trying to conduct business with the watchful eye of the whole neighborhood on you. our furry friends deserve better than that, I believe it is time to give them a little bit of respect and privacy.

portable privacy tents should be as common as plastic bags are for "scooping". it's bad enough that our pets are forced to shit outside in the rain, sleet, snow.. typhoons, and whatever else nature throws their way. they should at least have some peace from prying eyes while they do what needs to be done

it's only right

Thursday, June 21, 2012

"no problem, I got this"

superhero penguin saving a cat from a tree (no firefighters required)

penguin superhero

drippy watercolor sketch
(an idea for an upcoming superhero show, good times!)

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Mr. Theo Franklin Thomplyson Fuzzy

 I walk around the neighborhood almost every night. Lately, I have been stopping to pet a super friendly kitten that lives on 19th. He always startles me by hiding in the bushes and greeting me with a healthy "run/meow".

 I didn't realize till a couple of nights ago that he comes from a royal bloodline. His "run/meow" is his way of knighting common peasants. I've officially been knighted by this four-legged furry lord. I know this knighting comes with great responsibility and I am confident that I am up to the task.

I am deeply honored.

your thoughts

late night session at Full Circle

Sunday, June 17, 2012


penguins in Seattle

I can't believe it took me this long to allow this idea to come in, but I'm stoked it's here now. mixed hand stamped and hand drawn stickers. good times!

Space Needle madness