CRIMINALS another amazing stance taken by the city of Seattle.
putting businesses like Mighty-O-Donuts, Easy Street Records, Spacecraft, EVO, KEXP, and countless other radio stations and small businesses in their cross-hairs.
these businesses that choose to use the power of viral advertising in sticker form would all be at risk of fines.
fined for putting stickers up in an environment that their heavy tax burden pay for.
the city government seems hell bent on driving out all the businesses (big and small) that are the lifeblood that fuels Seattle.
if it's not the enormous taxes laid on the feet of these businesses, it's something like this ridiculous law to slap them in the face.
...complete loss of sight and lack of thought
...and what about the other side?
the city's stance is also directed squarely at emerging artists.
prosecute artists that are trying to beautify the city.
good times!!
I love it!
bring it on city government
make us pay
make us pay dearly
artists deserve to be locked up